Do I Have to Pay Commission?

The answer is no, even if your property is listed on the MLS® System and have complete control over what commission, if any, you offer to buyer's agents. In most Canadian markets, you can specify this directly in the back end of the MLS® System that agents can access.
Many believe that listing on the MLS® System obligates payment to agents, but that’s not true. Even if an agent brings a buyer, you only pay a commission if you agree to it or if it’s specified when your listing is posted. While some sellers choose not to offer any commission, most are open to compensating a buyer’s agent if they successfully bring a qualified buyer. Only a small fraction of sellers refuses to pay any commission at all, but the choice is YOURS!
Every MLS® System listing we upload includes information on the commission terms for agents, which only agents can see. This ensures agents know upfront what you’re willing to offer. Some of our sellers prefer a flexible statement like: “This seller is willing to negotiate commission with any agent who brings an acceptable offer.” This opens the door for discussions and helps attract interest from agents.
Many sellers offer the typical commission to Buyers Agents right up front and simply add the cost of the commission to their selling price to offset the cost if there is an agent involved. This way, their listing is hitting the MLS® System with commission being offered to agents, which increases the number of agents looking into the property for their buyers.
Some sellers even choose to offer more than the typical commission to incentivize agents to bring potential buyers, using part of the savings they enjoyed after listing with us. The choice is always yours—whether you decide to pay zero, a flat fee, or a percentage.
Options for Commission Messages To Buyers Agents
We hope that this information helps explain how the commission messaging to buyer's agents works while using our selling system to market your property on the MLS® System.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions about this, or any other topic on our website.
How Much Will You Save On Your Sale?
Savings Calculator
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Commission Saved
(Calculations are based on 6% on the first $100,000 and 3% on the balance)