Save Private Notes on Real Estate Properties
Add listings to your favorites and then create optional, private notes to help you stay on track with your search. Just saw a property? Write in what you loved or didn't like so much about it and compare it with other properties. Your private notes can only be seen by you.
First: How to Add Listings to Your Favorites
- Make sure you are logged in to your account. (If you haven't registered yet, please do so at the registration page.)
- Find any listing that appeals to you. Your best bet is to go to the Search Properties page, fill out your desired criteria, then press the "SEARCH" button.
- Click on a listing to view its full details, then click on the "ADD TO FAVORITES" button.
Sample Screenshot:
Second: How to Save Private Notes
- In the "FavoritesFavorites" section of your account menu, click on "View / Add Notes".
- Add your notes to the "My Private Notes" text block, then press the "SAVE NOTES & CLOSE" button.
Sample Screenshot:
How to Remove Favorites
- Make sure you are logged in to your account.
- In the "FavoritesFavorites" section of your account menu, click on "View / Add Notes".
- Click on the "DELETE" button to remove the property from your favorites, which also clears your private notes.